The Art of Playing the Fool: A Tool for Truth-Seekers in an Age of Deceit

In an age where information is everywhere, and deceit often slips through the cracks, playing the fool can be a powerful tool in discerning truth. By allowing others to believe that you are not in the know, you create an environment that inadvertently encourages honesty, or at least exposes dishonesty. But why is this so important? What are the psychological implications, and how does one master the art of discernment?

The Power of the Silent Observer

When someone believes they have convinced you of a lie, they reveal more of their character than they might think. Those with the gift of discernment—a seemingly supernatural ability to differentiate between truth and falsehood—often remain silent observers in these situations. This silence allows them to see the reality of the individual, beyond the façade.

The old saying, “No weapon formed against me shall prosper,” speaks to the essence of this approach. No matter the deceit or the weapon of false words launched, the discerning observer remains untouched, protected by a shield of silent wisdom.

The Elephant’s Mind: Memory as a Weapon

Elephants, with their remarkable memories, are often said to never forget. Humans, too, can possess an almost elephantine ability to recall, particularly when faced with inconsistency. Some individuals, even when presented with contrasting statements, remain resolute in their current beliefs, forgetting previous assertions.

For those blessed with a mind like an elephant, these inconsistencies become clear as day. While the deceiver, lost in their web of lies, may forget past statements, the discerning listener holds onto them. They remember, analyze, and learn.

Psychological Pros and Cons

There is undeniable strength in playing the fool, but this approach also has its drawbacks. On the one hand, it allows the listener to become a passive recipient of truth, shielding themselves from direct confrontation and conserving emotional energy. On the other hand, constantly doubting and analyzing can be mentally draining, leading to feelings of isolation and mistrust.

Moreover, holding onto every contradiction and lie can become burdensome. At what point does one let go and confront the deceiver, or decide to move on altogether?

The Essence of Living: Love and Learning

Yet, at the core of all human interactions lies a fundamental truth: everyone we meet has something to teach us. Be it through their honesty or deceit, they shape our understanding of the world. And as the listener, our primary duty remains to love—to see the human beneath the lie and cherish them regardless.

The lies we encounter, the contradictions we note, and the truths we uncover all offer invaluable lessons. In playing the fool, we are not dismissing others; we are allowing them to be their authentic selves, for better or worse.

In the end, life is too short for anything else. To play the fool is to approach life with a blend of curiosity, love, and discernment. It is about learning, loving, and living to the fullest, embracing every twist and turn with grace and understanding.


Employee “benefits?”

Employee Benefits: Do you read the fine print?

Open enrollment is almost over in Florida, and by the time the New Year hits, those who waited will have to wait a little longer at the risk of not only losing the benefits but also the job.

Why is it that the majority of all my smart friends with regular 40-hour work weeks, going to their 9-5’s to get paid for their high skill, don’t understand their employee benefits? How is it that they don’t know how to use their benefits to actually benefit them, or prepare for the risk of not having the same job that puts food on the table for the few hundred people and their families that I know? Families bro. Why don’t most entrepreneurs and small businesses survive longer than 3 years?

Not enough planning for what to do to get to retirement. Some people know how to make money. Great. You are an awesome professional. What if you are not the best business-savvy owner? Being in the black means having your income-producing assets are covered, and that your rainy-day retirement money is growing for you.

Now if you are one of my friends that do understand your employee benefits, you either work in HR, are a CPA, a Tax Specialist, just really smart, or you spoke with my smart dumb ass and actually put some of what we talked about in practice, so what am I saying to you?

Guys and gals, the key phrase in your benefits is the term “actively employed!”

Your employee benefits are only good if you are *actively* employed. Your insurance coverage is your employer’s insurance plan, and they are the beneficiary. Surely they might give your family a little something to help your family cover the funeral, but insurance for employees is to protect the employer from a loss of income, not the family grieving. What does that mean or do for your family?

Okay, different subject right? Fine.


The average cost for final expenses, aka a funeral, is close to $20k for an adult. Could whatever you might save for retirement maybe cover the cost of a funeral and family? Your retirement plan is dependent on active contributions to an employer-sponsored retirement plan. Again, if you are not actively employed or actively contributing to it, that means any growth is really based on you putting money into a glorified savings account that barely keeps up with inflation. If that was really good for the employee, why is it that we don’t have more teachers, doctors, nurses, bus drivers, and food service professionals retiring as millionaires?

Maybe you’re satisfied with your employee benefits, but if you are not, maybe want some of these questions answered, and want to make your hard-earned money do some hard work for you, why are you afraid of the peace of mind that could come with a conversation?

Maybe what I show you gives you a pathway to more than just hope, but a destination that you can calculate and plan to make happen.

Come on, it’s free, and it’s easy. Just hit the DM’s and we do some talking friend. That’s all. A little conversation.

Let’s go.

Call or text +1 (786) 496-2998 to get your questions answered.

Prince El

Wellness Coach | DAOM | Financial Planner

#employeebenfits #informationage


Tell us your thoughts. Where do you hope to see AfriKin go? How do we move forward and evolve while holding onto the rich traditions that make us who we are?