AfriKin offers a new way of being, a new manner of seeing. A way of life.

AfriKin highlights the rational thinking of our shared humanity. A new tribe of people of all ethnicities, creed and color. To reeducate ourselves of our own origin, to create counter-narratives to the dehumanization of people of African origin, that acts as a salvatory response. To make sure that our communities help young people to self-actualize and offer cultural pedagogy. To make sure that in the communities where we exist, we are able to understand the tenants of citizenship and those responsibilities and functions. We have to work towards hive functioning where we are and also for us to be able to transfer this functionality to Diasporic, indigenous continental African cultures. This is what the AfriKin reeducation offers.

AfriKin has taken a careful look at the global perceptions of people of African origin and has taken into consideration the actual facts on the ground. AfriKin has taken the responsibility to help the world to come to terms with the monogenetic origin of the entire human race coming from the continent of Africa, and the implications of the fact that all humanity comes from an original African source.

AfriKin offers relevance for us in terms of global Africa and how we see ourselves moving beyond the continent and diaspora and seeing ourselves as global Africa. To have all of humanity to be confronted with the truth of the monogenetic origin that we are all — AfriKin.

We ask these questions…
• How do we know ourselves?
• As a people what do we need to do to hold on to the things that are valuable to us?
• How do we be vigilant about passing on who we are?
• How do we be vigilant to anchor ourselves in our small steps?
• How do we be vigilant about remembering those people who impacted our lives positively
• What can we do to translate those teachings into creating ourselves into complex societies?
• What can we do to keep ourselves whole?

AfriKin connects with a notion of kinship across ethnic lines. It reminds us that culture is about action, about deeds. The things we do. A notion of care for the planet and all upon it. As Marcus Garvey said – Africa for Africans those at home at those abroad with no exceptions.

Check out our Youtube Transcultural playlist to gain some insight on what the AfriKin Transcultural experience.