

Healing Trauma and Embracing Self-care: A Journey for Descendants of Enslaved Africans
August 28, 2023
Healing Trauma and Embracing Self-care: A Journey for Descendants of Enslaved Africans Trauma's Echo from the Past The trauma experienced by enslaved Africans resonates down generations, casting long shadows on their descendants. As these effects manifest in multifaceted ways, it's vital to recognize and address the psychological and emotional scars. History teaches us about the physical brutality of slavery, but the emotional and mental repercussions remain largely unsp...
Balancing IQ and EQ: A Pathway to Deeper Understanding and Growth
September 4, 2023
Balancing IQ and EQ: A Pathway to Deeper Understanding and Growth In the sprawling canopy of human understanding, where knowledge is a vast terrain, our quest for intelligence often takes center stage. Yet, as shadows grow longer and thoughts grow deeper, it becomes evident that the dance of the human mind is a duet, balanced harmoniously between intelligence (IQ) and emotional intelligence (EQ). Let us embark on a journey to unearth this intricate relationship, to explor...
The Quiet Strength of Non-Reactivity: A Guide for BIPOC and Global Africa
September 11, 2023
The Quiet Strength of Non-Reactivity: A Guide for BIPOC and Global Africa In an era where knee-jerk reactions and fiery tweets make headlines, the power of being non-reactive emerges as the ultimate superpower. For the BIPOC community and those that are citizens of Global Africa, this trait is not just about personal growth – it is a key to health, happiness, and societal progression. The Ties Between Reactivity and Wellness There’s undeniable evidence that for BIPOC ...
When Race Consciousness Is Mistaken for Racism: Labels, Misunderstandings, and Florida's Questionable Mission
September 18, 2023
When Race Consciousness Is Mistaken for Racism: Labels, Misunderstandings, and Florida's Questionable Mission In the ever-evolving landscape of American discourse on race and identity, one thing remains frustratingly stagnant: the propensity to misinterpret genuine race consciousness for racism. At the heart of this misinterpretation is an intricate web of societal labels, misappropriated meanings, and controversial political agendas—like the one currently unfolding in Fl...
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